Methid one : Preheat barbecue or hot plate to medium heat Then cook frozen burger over a moderate heat turningseveral times until fully cooked and the internal temperture has reached 75℃
Method two : Preheat a pan on medium heat with a spray of cooking oil. Then place frozen burger on the pan and fry for 4.5 minutes on each side or until filly cooked and internal temperture has reached 75 ℃
150g x 2 per pack
方法1 :用中火預熱後將急涷漢堡牛肉返復煎,直至全熟及中心溫度至75度。
方法2 : 加人食油每邊煎4.5分鐘,及中心溫度至75℃)
(急凍 - 零下18度)